My World...

My Santa Barbara Jewelry Studio.

My Santa Barbara Jewelry Studio.

After many years of taking over the dining room every time I had a project, I was blessed to get a room of my very own, to fill to the brim with things that inspire me. Here, I can create to my heart’s content, whenever I wish. My studio may be small like a little jewel box, but it is full of natural light and gives me space, both to create and display my work. 

Over the years it has come to be a refuge–a place where I can retreat to and just let everything flow–but nothing makes me happier than having visitors. Everyone enjoys browsing on-line to see what’s new, but those that are in the area love to drop by to pore over everything and try on pieces from my full collection, many of which never make it onto the website. 

Hopefully, my new website will convey the “ambiente” of my studio and make your on-line shopping experience a delight. 

ERB Jewelry Studio

ERB Jewelry Studio